Anyone any photos of this old school. I was there from 1960. Have googled but no photos. Have lovely memories, and still remember my first day at school!
Hi Marie there is a facebook group called neston,parkgate memories with some lovely old photos of the area i've attached a link you may find what you are after on there,if not there are still some lovely old photos on there,Andy
Thank you very much. Although I can't access this presently as I don't have Facebook. I will ask someone who has Facebook to view for me. I will let you know when I have been able to view. Thank you
Thank you for this. Can't seem to find me, but am sure that the 3rd row up 3rd on the left is Roseland Alexandra, who left and moved to here all. Also Paul reeney who was one who provided the photos, if he had a brother called Brian and his mum was called May then I used to live next door to them.
Thank you so much. I still can't find me, but it was a long time ago. Any dates for the photos. Hey I can remember on sunny hot days we used to have the desks out in the playground and do our school work. Don't think that would happen now. It is so sad that the building was demolished, it seems so many old building are demolished now, as its cheaper to build new. Still have a very strong memory of it though. Bit like the railway line, that went, I remember running down the bottom of the garden to breathe in the smoke/steam. Remember the farmhouse(it was white) on the other side of bendee road (over the railway) it was there one day and gone the next, burned down, not sure how. Would of been in the early 60s.
Can anyone help with naming these children on the photo's. i am looking for me(!) so may well be able to narrow me down, as there are two on the photo with white blonde hair and one of them i think is me.
I started a Ness Holt School 1939 Ibelive my mother taught at Ness Holt School then moved to Salem Hall which was on Burton Road then my mother moved to the School on Burton Road close to the bridge which I believe has now been demolished. I can remember the first double decker bus going under this bridge,only single decker buses used this route to Burton and Chester. I lived with my parents and sister down Marshlands Road,2nd house on left River Dee side of railway bridge.It was called 'Dee Cote' We had fields on two sides of our garden belonging to Mr Young who had a farm close to River Dee had a son Vincent and two daughter. Going down Marshlands Road was Hollises laundry and opposite our house was a poultry farm owned by Mr Doothwaite
There were mine shafts at the bottom of Marshlands Road which I believe are now houses there. Being there in the war we could see bombs being dropped on something at the bottom of Marshlands Road which was all lit up instead of Shotton Steel Works.
I cannot remember the brick work at the top of Marshlands Road but where I think it was stood a detached house occupied by a family surname Pearson who had a Grocery Shop just as you entered Neston
I've attached a couple of photos, one of Burton road school with the railway bridge over the road still there (its now a pedestrian bridge part of the Wirral way) and the other is St Michaels wooden church which was at the top of marshlands road on the right. My granddad lived at the top of Bull Hill on the left.
We lived down Marshlands Road there was a family called Wellings that I believed lived in either the second or third house on the right going down Marshlands Road on the right. My wife and I married at Burton Church 1960.
We now live in Bournemouth,my sister Cynthia lives in Heswall.
I think the headmistress may have been Miss Shone not sure?
Hello neston lad, I have viewed the photos which bring back memories.We left Neston in1946 I was 12 and at Calday Grange and my sister West Kirby girls
Hinderton lodge. Clearly remember this, it was the view from my bedroom. Lived at 41 Bendee road. I had the back bed room as a child and I can see it clearly as if I was there now. We lived there from either 1959 or 1960, we left in 1968. I remember my dad being in the bedroom, the big white house was literary gone, I believe it was burnt down, I am 99% positive my Dad told us that. I can remember it well, it was very much like the twin towers, there and then gone. It is a common practice nowadays for large buildings, out of use factory s to be burnt down and then flats or houses are built. it happened about early 60's.