I am wondering if the Old Hall Farm was part of an estate called Old Hall. Was there a Hall there.
I had been told in the past that my family came from Moreton Hall, Moreton . If there was an old hall in Moreton ,that would fit in with the words that have been passed down in the family.
Back in the 1960s old Ted Smith, who used to be the sexton at the parish church, told me there had been a Moreton Hall where Orchard Road was then. In the 40s and 50s a family called Povall lived in and farmed the Old Hall Farm on Barnston Lane. Miss Povall was a teacher at Barnston Lane School. Whether the farm had been part of the Hall land, I don't know. A hundred years and more ago, the whole village belonged to a family called Vyner, who acquired it along with Bidston from the earls of Derby, but they were absentee landlords who visited to collect their rents. They started selling off land to developers before & after WWI.