Parkgate in the 40s, I used to go there with my Dad to watch cricket,I think it was actually Neston cricket club but it was played at Parkgate, but the only Player I can remember is Ken Cranston. When I wasnt at school I used to deliver milk at Parkgate for a small dairy farm in Little Neston . I have so many memories Im just glad no one can take them away. Id like to hear from anyone who was around at that time.
I've attached a link to a local website with an article about neston cricket club.I knew a family with the surname of cranston who lived in a house to the right of the royal oak pub in little neston,the dairy shop was to the left of the pub.My nan and grandad were living at number one bull hill in the forties and i think the prince family owned the post office.I know there was a farm behind there called ivy farm,the website i have linked has a lot of old photo postcards of mine on it as well